Community Appointment Day
If you have received an invite, please confirm your attendance by calling:
01904 72 5157
York Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Service: COMMUNITY APPOINTMENT DAY
Come along to discover how YOU can help to manage your musculoskeletal issue (with support from physiotherapists and local providers)
You will be issued with your own Patient Passport, which will guide you to access a number of different sessions including:
What Matters to you discussion
Advice and Guidance
1:1 physiotherapy assessment (if required)
Local Community Services
When: Thursday 25th July 2024
Where: The Sports Hall, LNER Community Stadium, YO32 9AF
Who: MSK Patients by invitation only
Featuring a number of local community providers:
Slimming World
Social Prescribers
Health Trainers
Citizens Advice
Andy's Man Club TBC
Numbus Care Health Hub TBC
FAQ's Community Appointment Day Patient Information
What is it?
This is your physiotherapy appointment and is an opportunity for you to discuss ‘what matters to you’ with physiotherapy clinicians and other specialist community services.
This is a new way of working for our service as we look to increase our community engagement in the musculoskeletal services we offer and there will be opportunity to comment on your experience at the end of your time with us at the community stadium and we value any feedback.
Where is it?
Selby Leisure Centre (Formally Summit), Scott Road, Selby, YO8 4BL
York Leisure Centre, York Stadium Leisure Complex, Kathryn Avenue, York YO329AF
Selby Leisure Centre information is available here:
York Community Stadium Map, car parking and bus routes available here:
When is it:
Selby: 9th May 2024
York :TBC
How to prepare for your appointment:
- Consider why you were referred to the MSK CATT Service either by your GP or you may have self-referred.
- Consider ‘what matters to you’ about your condition.
- Think about what you have done about your condition already.
- Think about what you would like to do about your condition or what support you think you need.
- Charge and bring your mobile phone or tablet.
What to expect:
We are inviting patients from our physiotherapy waiting list (which is currently 40 weeks long) to attend a community appointment day at the LNER community stadium. At your appointment you will be able to discuss your problem and ‘what matters to you’ with a clinician, receive appropriate advice and care from physiotherapists and local community services to allow individuals to every opportunity to improve their health and engage with community support networks.
This appointment will involve having a ‘what matters to you’ conversation with a clinician following which you will have the option to action patient initiated follow up (PIFU) for six months throughout which can arrange a face to face or telephone review as you feel is required at any time, there will also be opportunity for on the day and continuing rehabilitation advice, general advice and guidance and if required further assessment.
In addition, there will be community services in the room to allow you to quickly gain ongoing support for your health needs as required.
Your time in the room will not be restricted and commonly patients at similar appointment days have spent up to 90 minutes reviewing ‘what matters to them’ so we ask you allow plenty of time to gain the most benefit from your appointment.
Throughout your appointment you will complete an individual patient passport. For the majority of people this will be an electronic document on your phone or tablet that will be enabled when you arrive for your appointment (assistance will be on hand to help you with this as required).
We ask that you bring your device with you, fully charged (some charging points will be available if required) to allow you to access this. If you are unable to access an electronic device on the day this can be completed on a paper copy.
Three simple questions will form the majority of the passport:
- What matters to you today?
- What do you plan to do about it?
- What is your plan if it does not improve?
The physiotherapists and other community services in the room will help you answer these question as you move around the room and discuss ‘what matters to you’ with them.
Once you are ready to leave the room you will have a check out discussion with a physiotherapist to allow you to review your action plan and to ensure you know what to do if your issue continues.
Following this you will submit the electronic passport on your device and this will form your patient record of the day, you will be sent a copy of your answers as the passport is your treatment plan which you can use for further reference as required.
Please note all the services in the room are free for all patients.
We do have a selection of community organisations supporting the day in the stadium community hub outside the main community appointment space and these organisations may charge to access their services etc however the majority would be free to access so please do visit them on your way in or out of the stadium.
If you have any special requirements regarding your appointment such as requiring wheelchair access or access to interpreters, please do let us know at the numbers above.
We will have stewards available throughout your time at the stadium who will be happy to answer any queries as required.
Why Were You Offered This Appointment?
Modern healthcare aims to enable communities to focus as much on preventing illness as treating it. Working collaboratively with our patients and communities as equal partners in the design and delivery of their own healthcare needs we can make prevention a reality, protect the NHS’s future and improve health for all.
‘As a team we look forward to working with our patients, community networks and all our supporting services to improve health and wellbeing for all’
Kevin Wilson York MSK Operational Manager